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Link Listings to their Public Records

Mar 18, 2022, 00:00 AM
Title : Link Listings to their Public Records

Listings are linked to the property's public record. When you establish this link before starting data entry, the system auto-fills many of the fields that describe property characteristics. It also provides a link to the public record from the listing detail form; and a link to the listing from the public record detail form.

To create the link between listings and public records, you must locate the appropriate public record using the Link Listing to Public Record search. Once linked, the listing detail edit form displays; here you enter listing details, upload photos and attachments, and change the map location if necessary.

1. Criteria - Link with Public Record Page

When you begin to add a listing, or edit one that has no public record link, the system starts the link search by displaying the Criteria - Link with Public Record page. "Enter Public Records Search Criteria", and submit the search when you are finished.

  • If your search finds a single match, the public record displays in Details format, where you can link it to the new listing.
  • If your search finds more than one match, the Results List page displays, where you can select a public record from the list to link to the new or edited listing. If necessary, use the Details action to display the listing before linking.
  • If your search includes a map shape, matches display in map format. Mouse over the public record markers or review the results list, and select a public record to link to the new listing.
  • If your search finds no matches, click Revise Criteria at the Results List page or add the listing without linking to a public record.

Once you submit the search, at the resulting Details page, Results List, or Map page, the blue notification bar at the bottom of the page offers options to Link With Listing.

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  • Customer Service Tips
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