Customer Service Tips

We are here to help you make the most of your Multiple Listing Service (MLS) experience. View exclusive member tips provided by OneKey® MLS Customer Service to learn about rules, regulations, and upcoming changes to your MLS.

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OneKey® MLS Rules Compliance

Aug 16, 2023, 13:11 PM
Title : OneKey® MLS Rules Compliance

It is imperative to be compliant with OneKey® MLS Rules. The OneKey® Rules and Procedures Manual, as well as the OneKey® Compliance Guidelines, can be found under OneKey® MLS Links in Stratus under the Info Center.   

Top 3 Violations:

306.3     Improper Use of Data Fields

306.1    Substantially Complete and Accurate Information

307.1     Accurate Images and Attachments

Referral to the MLS Rules Enforcement Committee for a Hearing 1102.1 Five or More Automatic Fines:

Any time that a Participant, including all of the Subscribers in that Participant’s office, has violated a specific Rule with an Automatic Fine, five (5) or more times within the prior 12-month period, the MLS staff may, in lieu of assessing the scheduled Automatic Fine, refer the current violation to the MLS Rules Enforcement Committee for a hearing. 

Administrative Review hearings fines of up to $5,000.00 for the first offense and up to $15,000.00 for subsequent offenses can be imposed. 

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  • Customer Service Tips
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