Tips For New MLS-Touch Stratus Users

Sep 27, 2023

OneKey® MLS recently announced the launch of MLS-Touch, your MLS on the Go for Stratus users.  MLS-Touch is a premium mobile app and is a OneKey® MLS subscriber benefit.  Download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play. 

Below, please find some helpful MLS-Touch user tips that will help you set up your new app-exclusive MLS on the Go account:  

  • Download the MLS-Touch app via the App Store or Google Play – by searching for MLS Touch
  • Open the App and Select Your State – New York
  • Select Your Board – OneKey-Stratus
  • Under USERNAME – enter capital L and a dash like this:   L-in front of your 5–6-digit Stratus member number.  (Example:  L-12345)
  • Your initial temporary password has been randomly generated for security purposes (Example: Password 64861EA43). Enter the initial password and then re-enter the initial password before you’ll be prompted to change it. You must enter the initial temporary password twice.
  • Then create a NEW PASSWORD that meets the criteria and login

Password requirements are as follows:

  • Must contain at least 6 letters.
  • Must contain at least 2 numbers.
  • Must be between 8 to 12 characters long.

(You may use special characters.)

Need additional help?   You can access information on MLS-Touch HERE.

If you need additional help, please email