Apply Now for LIBOR 2026/27 Leadership Positions

Mar 4, 2025

LIBOR is pleased to announce its  2026 Officer and 2026/2027 Director at-Large applications are live. Apply to be a leader at LIBOR and help shape the future of your association!

If you are interested in being considered for an Officer* position, please complete the Officer Candidate Application no later than April 11, 2025.

Click HERE to Apply for Officer Position

If you are interested in being considered for a Director* position, please complete the Director Candidate Application no later than April 11, 2025.

Click HERE to Apply for Director Position


To be eligible to serve as a LIBOR Director or Officer, NAR or NYSAR Director, Delegate, or on any LIBOR Committee, Task Force, Advisory Group, or any other volunteer leadership position, members must have completed the NAR Course titled  “Fairhaven” (or any future NAR course that replaces Fairhaven).