Fair Housing Podcasts

House Rules

Where you live is important. It can dictate quality of schools and hospitals, as well as things like cancer rates, unemployment, or whether the city repairs roads in your neighborhood. On this week's show, stories about destiny by address.

Fair Housing: Who's Being Left Out of the Conversation? | Drive with NAR

Issues of equality, including fair housing, are often viewed through the prism of the struggle between Blacks and Whites. But that vantage point excludes many other people of different backgrounds who may continue to feel invisible.

Reckoning with America’s Racial Residential Segregation | At Liberty

Housing is the bedrock of American society, and one of the major determinants for life outcomes like health, income, and educational opportunity.

Help Clients Get an Objective View of Local Schools | Drive With NAR

You can’t offer an opinion about school quality, but you can point customers toward data, resources and the right people to talk to about their concerns.

Why Take Fair Housing Training If You Know the Law? | Drive With NAR

Listen to this argument for continuing fair housing education as an opportunity to challenge yourself and your business practices for the better.

This American Life Podcast

Where you live is important. It can dictate quality of schools and hospitals, as well as things like cancer rates, unemployment, or whether the city repairs roads in your neighborhood. On this week's show, stories about destiny by address.

Touro Law Review with Patrick Fife

Mr. Fife and Mr. Wilder discuss the changes that were made in real estate practices and laws following the Newsday Long Island Divided investigation.

Reveal Podcast

Reporters analyzed 31 million government mortgage records and determined that people of color were more

NPR Code Switch Podcast

Ira Glass talks to a 15 year old girl who was kicked out of school after administrators discovered her mother using her grandfather’s address to send her to a school just a few miles away.