May 17, 2023
At its May 11, 2023, meeting in Washington, D.C., the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Board of Directors approved two Diversity Committee recommendations that will make it a requirement for future Board of Directors members to complete the At Home with Diversity, Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing, and Fairhaven training. 2024 directors must complete the courses as a performance expectation by May 1, 2024.
New applicants for membership will be required to complete two hours of fair housing training and existing members will be required to complete two hours every three years as a condition of membership. At Home with Diversity and Bias Override satisfy the course requirements, and Fairhaven will be updated to meet the two-hour requirement and serve as a no-cost option.
The three-year cycle coincides with NAR’s existing Code of Ethics training requirement and begins in 2025. Find out other actions the board took at the NAR Legislative meetings HERE.