May 31, 2023
Urge state lawmakers to remove cold call restrictions on licensed real estate professionals during a state of emergency.
Throughout the pandemic, and still today, REALTORS® have been shut out of conducting cold calls due to declarations and extensions of multiple states of emergency to address gun violence, health concerns brought on by COVID-19, and most recently to support asylum seekers. This is directly impeding real estate business operations, which are completely unrelated to the declared states of emergency - real estate licensees may not make any unsolicited phone calls to a member of the public during a statewide state of emergency.
With less than 2 weeks left in this year's legislative session, your action is needed - Please urge your state lawmakers to PASS legislation S.412/A.6680, which clarifies the ability for licensed real estate professionals to provide telemarketing services during states of emergency when it is found that such services would not impair or mitigate said state of emergency. This legislation does not in any way impede state efforts to address current states of emergency.
To complete the NYSAR Call For Action, click HERE. Thank you for your advocacy efforts!